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[ULY]≡ Read GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie

GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie

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Download PDF GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie

GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie

I've been a hardcore fan of Fisher Amelie's since I first read a selection of hers in The Glassheart Chronicles back in 2012. I can say that I have enjoyed washing Ms. Amelie grow as a writer.

GREED broke me. I remember being introduced to Spencer Blackwell in VAIN and falling just slightly for him in all of his arrogant beauty then. But nothing prepared me for the transformation that Spencer would go through during the course of this amazing book.

Spencer was THAT guy. The hot rich guy that ALWAYS got what he wanted. And when I say ALWAYS, I mean it. Caught up in a world of deceit and lies, blindly led by the promise of more and more cash from his father, it was only a matter of time before something would happen to change him forever. Following is heart and his love for his baby sister, he finds himself forced to work as a ranch hand in "nowheresville" Montana. Pretty boy thrown into the hard labor of ranch life. And while he feels as though his spirit is broken, the light comes before him in the form of one Cricket Hunt.

What's so intriguing to Spencer about Cricket? Well, for one, Ms. Amelie paints a picture of an absolute beauty. A for sure weakness for Spencer. But, much to his dismay, she's off limits. Obviously attached to another ranch hand, Ethan, she's forbidden. But the attraction is real. So real that they can both feel it, taste it, breathe it. And not just them, everyone in the place knows what's there. Especially Ethan.

I can't divulge too much more, for fear of ruining the beauty of this book for anyone reading this review. Like I said earlier, the transformation of Spencer during the course of this work is just....jaw dropping. We get to see that amazing hear that I KNEW was buried under all that rich pretty boy.

Fisher - you have outdone yourself once again, and I can't wait to get my hands on FURY. Five dazzling stars!!!

Read GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie

Tags : GREED: Series Standalone 2 (The Seven Deadly Series) - Kindle edition by Fisher Amelie. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading GREED: Series Standalone 2 (The Seven Deadly Series).,ebook,Fisher Amelie,GREED: Series Standalone 2 (The Seven Deadly Series),Fisher Amelie,FICTION Romance Contemporary,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance

GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie Reviews

There is a mysterious character named Piper with memories written in italics. I'm presuming she is part of a dream or some form of Spencer's imagination.
Spencer and his father share a love of money. Spencer works for his father or I should say he does his fathers bidding. Spencer guilts people out of there money by bribing them with threats. That's not the worst of it. Spencer's father proves to be a piece of work. This man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
I'm certainly learning a lot about taking care of a ranch. It's impressive how easily Spencer is conforming into a ranch helper. I was expecting Spencer to show some resiliency towards being a ranch hand but he actually surprised me with his ability to take on a full load with no complaints.
I was not expecting Cricket. I had not planned on Spencer and Cricket to foil my ideas of where this story was headed. I appreciated the distraction away from Spencer's Greedy father but I'm sure we have not heard the last of him.
Chapter thirty-six was an evil ploy.
I think the preview hyped up a great story about Spencer and his penchant for Greed. I enjoyed the ploy to make Spencer seem Greedy but was surprised by the turn of events by his sister. Bridget changed the course of the story and while I enjoyed the new focus and the new pace I was saddened that I was no longer going to read about Spencer's despicable life. Spencer undergoes a transformation that I was not expecting.
Usually I hate when authors introduce an array of characters because they usually boggle down a story but in this case it added to the story. Overall I was pleasantly surprised with how the story transpired.
“I sort of felt myself spiraling, retreating into myself, but I had no idea how to crawl out of the hole.”

Greed is the second book of the Seven Deadly series by Fisher Amelie. I believe this book can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend to read Vain first (read my review here).

What took me so long to finally read any of Fisher Amelie’s books? Seriously, what was I thinking? I have to admit, before I ever read any of her books, I had this thought they weren’t my kind of books. For starters, when I first read the blurb of Vain, I thought it would be something completely different than what it actually was, so I guess I was a little skeptical. But after I read that first book, I couldn’t stop, hence why I read Greed in just a few days, same with Harper and Callum. Fisher Amelie has a way to create such characters, and stories so beautiful, it’s impossible not to fall in love.

“We’re all so afraid of what everyone around us thinks that we risk ourselves to desperation. It’s utterly stupid. It’s utterly frightening. But it’s utterly human.”

We all have problems in life, there’s not a person in the world who’s not worried about something, or struggling to move on, get something, to just… breathe. It’s not possible, at least I don’t believe it is. From the richest, to the poorest person… there will always be something troubling their minds. Some have bigger problems than others, but the importance of each problem will be given to the owner of said problem. What’s important to you, may not be important to me… but it doesn’t mean it matters less. It’s a common belief that just because someone has money, they don’t have to worry about a thing. Sometimes, that’s the case, but sometimes it isn’t. I guess, we never truly know the depth of someone’s troubles, not unless we ask, and more often than not, we don’t ask. Everyone is fighting their own demons, they’ll get stronger or weaker, depending on how much you want to overpower them. You’re own strength will be the death of those demons.

I don’t know how Fisher came to write these stories, but either way, it has given us the opportunity to see how much everyone can suffer and how much someone can fight to survive, no matter how much money or how many cars, dresses you own. At first, you get these characters you may or may not find likable, but they all have this beautiful characteristic in them… they all want some change. They’re all looking for something more, they want their life to mean something more than what they have. I don’t know about you, but that’s something to admire. Even more so, when they actually decide to do something to make that change in their lives possible.

So, Greed. First we had Sophie Price, a girl so vain, she couldn’t care less about anything else other than being queen bee. She had no real friends, she used the ones she needed at the moment, and then forgot all about them the second she didn’t need them anymore. She only had one constant and real friend, Spencer Blackwell. That’s where we meet him first, that’s where we get a small glimpse of who he is, but you never would’ve guessed how he really was and what happened behind his home’s doors. Life at the Blackwell house wasn’t easy, having a manipulating scumbag as a father, who didn’t care anything other than his money and having power. A pushover of a mother, who couldn’t step forward and defend her own kids agains their father, her husband. And a sweet little sister, who wasn’t so little anymore. Yeah, life at the Blackwell house was not easy. Spencer’s been one of his father’s lapdogs for a while now, taking care of his dirty businesses, all because he didn’t know how else he could keep the only life he knew of. That’s it until he can’t take it anymore. Everything his dad asks him to do eats him up inside. So, when the opportunity presents itself with Bridget’s face (his sister), he has to take it, and do it quickly. And so he does. From that moment on, their lives will change drastically, no family, no friends, no money… just Spencer and his little sister. But at the end of the day, he wouldn’t change a thing of it.

When I first met Spencer, I thought he was sweet and a really good friend to Sophie. I believe he truly cared (and still does) for her. It’s not easy to be friends with the girl you think you love, but even still, he managed to do it. I liked that about him. So, when I started reading Greed, I realized that, it’s not that the sweet and good guy didn’t exist anymore, it’s just that he went into hiding after losing Sophie. He guarded his heart, and just let everything go. He truly believed there was no way he could change his life, so why do something about it? It’s a lost cause. That made me sad, because, we all should try to change the stuff we don’t like, at least try to do it, so we can all be the best person we can. He seemed to be in too deep in his life to get out, or at least that what he thought, that he was not capable of redeeming himself, not in his eyes, or God’s eyes. But that’s the amazing thing about life, when you least expect it, it will give you just the chance you were looking for, and the push you needed, to accomplish whatever you’re trying to do, to be a better person, to have a better life. It won’t be on a silver platter but it will be there, for you to take.

Spencer Blackwell is still the sweet and good guy I met on that first book. He’s there, and you will see it the moment he makes up his mind to do what’s right. He knows the difference of right from wrong, it’s just that he needed a little push to start doing the right thing, for himself and those around him. When someone is truly good, he’ll always find a way to come back. I loved everything about him. His made up mind, his teasing, his heart. He truly is one hell of a good guy.

“You’re a good boy, Spencer Blackwell. You’re still a little confuse about life, but you’ll figure it out.”

There’s a whole new family in this book, one that you will love from day one. They’re all part of each other, and they’re the very definition of good neighbors. I loved every single one of them. And one of those wonderful people is Cricket. Cricket Hunt. She’s one amazing young woman, full of life and determination and love. She’s admirable from head to toe. She’s the kind of girl that gives life to those you believe everything is lost. She has dreams, she has love, and she has a need to help others, and be there for them. She knows about sacrifices, I think more than others, and that makes her even more special, because even though she has a lot on her plate, she manages to live her life with a smile on her face.

I loved absolutely everything about this book.

Wanna know something well beyond AWESOME? While I was reading, I came across the name of a place, which was described as something magnificent. Imagine my surprise that said place is no other than my beautiful country, more specifically, Lake Maracaibo and the Catatumbo Lightning. Go ahead, Google it. I’ll admit proudly, I did a happy dancing right then. Thank you, Fisher.

There’s another thing I realized while reading this book. I have to say, her way of keeping God close, but not in an obvious way, is truly beautiful. There are talks about Him, but beyond that, there’s a subtlety about how much the characters trust Him and believe in Him, that’s just heart-warming. I loved that, I truly did.

“Life on Earth is fleeting. It’s a gift, but when God wants you, He will take you. It’s not meant to be a punishment to you or to your loved ones. In fact, it’s truly an extra incentive for you to do His will, for you to serve Him so you can strive to be with Him as well as the ones you lose. There’s a peace in that, Spencer.”

This and the other two books I’ve read by Fisher are just amazing, and they will leave you with a huge whole in your heart, but at the same time, they will fill it up completely, if that makes sense. They have a way to get inside your heart, break it, and mend it. I highly recommend her books.

Can I get Fury now?
I've been a hardcore fan of Fisher Amelie's since I first read a selection of hers in The Glassheart Chronicles back in 2012. I can say that I have enjoyed washing Ms. Amelie grow as a writer.

GREED broke me. I remember being introduced to Spencer Blackwell in VAIN and falling just slightly for him in all of his arrogant beauty then. But nothing prepared me for the transformation that Spencer would go through during the course of this amazing book.

Spencer was THAT guy. The hot rich guy that ALWAYS got what he wanted. And when I say ALWAYS, I mean it. Caught up in a world of deceit and lies, blindly led by the promise of more and more cash from his father, it was only a matter of time before something would happen to change him forever. Following is heart and his love for his baby sister, he finds himself forced to work as a ranch hand in "nowheresville" Montana. Pretty boy thrown into the hard labor of ranch life. And while he feels as though his spirit is broken, the light comes before him in the form of one Cricket Hunt.

What's so intriguing to Spencer about Cricket? Well, for one, Ms. Amelie paints a picture of an absolute beauty. A for sure weakness for Spencer. But, much to his dismay, she's off limits. Obviously attached to another ranch hand, Ethan, she's forbidden. But the attraction is real. So real that they can both feel it, taste it, breathe it. And not just them, everyone in the place knows what's there. Especially Ethan.

I can't divulge too much more, for fear of ruining the beauty of this book for anyone reading this review. Like I said earlier, the transformation of Spencer during the course of this work is just....jaw dropping. We get to see that amazing hear that I KNEW was buried under all that rich pretty boy.

Fisher - you have outdone yourself once again, and I can't wait to get my hands on FURY. Five dazzling stars!!!
Ebook PDF GREED Series Standalone 2 The Seven Deadly Series eBook Fisher Amelie

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